My work seeks to tell human stories, to show and develop human interaction, and to rekindle community space and sensation in small doses. I am in process with relearning and diverging from my classical training in order to rediscover what is necessary, what heals us and gives our bodies power, and what is still asking to be made in an apocalyptic time. My artistic practice involves movement and my body, writing, imagery, and inquiry about the human condition – spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, instinctual, and relational.
who is she?
I am an artist and a person living in Chicago, creating through words and movement, and exploring multiple media for storytelling. I view myself primarily as a freelance creator and collaborator, and I seek to lead and work in processes that give space for my collaborators’ voices in conversation and performance and allow the space for digesting current feelings and needs. My most recent project was a film commissioned by Anti-capitalism for Artists, in which I interviewed Chicago dance artists about their current needs, and where community could receive more support, and how a basic income for artists might create more stability and opportunity. In 2021, I worked on a piece titled “the Taste of water,” created first as a film for DanceWorks Chicago’s Digital DanceChance, and then remade for stage for Simantikos Dance Chicago’s Choreography Kickoff, addressing the role of community in the current climate.
As a dancer and movement artist, I seek to make work with other creators who are operating in conscious ways. At my alma mater, Loyola University Chicago, I performed work by dancemakers including Rena Butler, Randy Duncan, Erin Kilmurray, and Connie Shiau, and worked with numerous professors and peers on processes centered around the dance program’s mission of social justice. Most recently, I've worked with Federica Cocom on a danztheatre work about childhood trauma, and performed in Round 6 of “Freedom From and Freedom To,” a chance-based improvisational performance of Chicago movers and musicians devised by Cristal Sabbagh. I am currently in process with Ayako Kato for her work ETHOS Episode III.
I am from Dallas, Texas, the ancestral land of the Kickapoo, Jumanos, Tawakoni, and Wichita nations, and now live in Chicago, the land belonging to the Sauk, Fox, Miami, Illinois, Kickapoo, Mascouten, Wea, Delaware, Winnebago, Menominee, Mesquakie, Ho-Chunk, Ottawa, Ojibwe, and Potawatomie peoples. Both cities are stolen land, and still home to many indigenous people.

image by Ricardo Adame
"Danceable Wage" is out!
Watch our new dance film/documentary advocating for basic income for artists HERE
Follow @anticapitalismforartists + check out to see this work and the other commissions on social change and education

"The Taste of Water" is in We Are Collective's Virtual Film Festival
Watch our dance film and others made during the COVID-19 pandemic on their website :